Nomi Teutsch, LCSW
Psychotherapy, Clinical Supervision,
Facilitation & Consulting
Is there a pattern, behavior, or relationship in your life that you've been trying to change, but can't seem to do it?​
Do you notice a gap between how you want to be showing up in your life and how you find yourself actually living?
I am here to help you get unstuck. Very often, repetitive cycles are perpetuated by living on autopilot. Working with me will provide an opportunity to dig deeper, get curious, and explore your internal landscape as you discover what is limiting you. I believe that lasting change is made possible by developing true self-compassion and self-acceptance. This often requires gaining new skills as well as unlearning harmful messages that may have been internalized until this point.
I am here to listen, be on your team, and support you as you cultivate the insights that will help you to identify what has gotten in the way, and access your wisest self. Though healing work can be hard and messy, I know that it can also be creative, enlivening, and a source of real hope. With warmth and humor, I will support you as you navigate life's challenges.
I bring ten years of experience as a therapist, fifteen years of mindfulness and meditation practice and deep curiosity about YOU and your story. I serve people with a variety of racial, gender, sexual, cultural, and class identities. I am comfortable discussing the role that systems of oppression play in your story, and believe this to be an important component of healing.

Contact Me
Please schedule a free 15 minute consultation call to see if we might be a good fit! You can schedule a call instantly via Calendly or contact me using any of the options below.
Telephone: 267-225-0785
E-mail: NomiTeutschLCSW@gmail.com